Single Members Interested In Dating

Looking for friends πŸ’œ

Age 27 From Charlotte, North Carolina

Woman Seeking A Woman

Noooooo thooooughts juuuuuuuust vibes :)

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Looking for sober Mrs. Right!😘

Age 38 From Houston, Texas

Woman Seeking A Woman

I hate these things.. but ok let’s see.. someone will match me if they: Are truly sober.. AA.. the whole shebang! Love to travel Love animals Loves FOOD! Have a good sense of humor Love the water (pools, lakes, rivers, ocean, water parks...

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Hoping to find someone special

Age 45 From Lexington, Kentucky

Woman Seeking A Woman

I work in recovery, I have over 2 years clean. So looking for someone who is non judge mental, and caring, down to Earth

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Spirited and spiritual

Age 59 From Miami, Florida

Woman Seeking A Woman

Petite, energetic, God-centered mostly brunette still, desisive, enthusiastic woman. Allergic to alcohol, drama and gossipers, laziness. Attracted to sober living, seeking honest, driven partner willing to share love of travel, cafe, plus other...

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Hello, I have long term sobriety, own my own home, and am retiring this year. I would like to have a sweet woman to spend some time with, around town and beyond. I like reading, live theater, movies, being out in nature, and more. Omnivore, coffee...

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